I love creating Reduction Linoleum Cuts, which is a type of relief printmaking. https://anne-gaines-fine-art.square.site/shop/reduction-linocuts/2
I often create pieces in a group or series. My linocuts are grouped as series below. Click on “View Gallery” to see individual pieces.
A fellow artist once commented that my art tells a story. It does – every piece that I have done has been inspired, and I hope that you enjoy the story that they tell!

Art With the Word
The “Art with the Word” series couples Scripture verses with an image from the verse.
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Cats with Butterflies
The reduction linoleum cuts that comprise this series are made up of cats with “matching” butterflies – both the cat and the butterfly have the same coloring.

Inspirational Reduction Linoleum Cuts
The Inspirational series encompasses artworks that have each been inspired by the Bible.
Just Flowers
Since moving to Brenham Texas in 2019, I have become intrigued with Bluebonnets – they grow wild in our flower beds! I have created a series of three bluebonnets as 5-color reduction linocuts.

Larger Reduction Linoleum Cuts
Larger linocuts are always more detailed with greater complexity of composition than my smaller pieces. They represent 12 to 18 weeks of work.
Naughty Cats
The series was born from a patron’s observation that all the kitties in my art were well-behaved. (“Don’t you have any naughty cats?”) Wow – what a great idea – and here they are – six kitties doing the typically naughty things that cats do!

Other – Even Dogs!
Being a printmaker that sells my work at Outdoor Arts Festivals, I have become very fond of the “Other” category – as, not being a painter, potter or jeweler, that is where I often find my printmaking medium listed. I have discovered that being different (“other”) is not such a bad thing!
Small Cats
I enjoy the challenge of communicating my ideas with very simple images that the small scale necessitates.

Texas Coast Series
This series has been inspired by the wonderful shorebirds and fish that we see on the coast.